I decided to use this image to add a glow because I thought that due to the artists pose, the loops would look smooth around her. As you can see, I followed the steps like on the Youtube clip which where easy to follow. I found that when I was producing the swirls around my artist, it was easier as i wasn't having to think about where to put lines.

Again I choose this image because of the models pose and that I could visualise where the glow would go around my artist. I think that this image looks better than the other two because the glow goes around her more naturally and I also think that the change between colours is well distributed.
I chose this image to edit on because I wanted to see what the glow would look like on the arm of my artist rather than the glow going around her full body. I don't think this glow works as well the other images I did the glow on because, the swirls look too persistent and I think that the glow looks better around the body rather than just the arm.

Out of these three images, I like the image to the left out of the other two. I think the pose and swirl work well together making the glow look naturally fit around her pose. I also like the colour of the glow better on this image because the distribution of colour is fairly equal and changes colour evenly. I think I might use this image for the promotion of the single rather than the album itself as it suits the song more than it does for the album. I will therefore place this image next to the featured single on the magazine advert.
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