As you can see from my music video so far I only have the performance section of my music video, this is becasue I have yet to find my leading roles. However, the shots that I took and have used are very helpful as to how I want the performance section to look on my final product. Unfortunitly, I will have to shoot this again as I haven't framed the shots very well as you can see the green screen. I will shoot these again within the next week. I will also be on the hunt for actors to play in the narrative section of my music video.
Friday, 19 December 2014
Wednesday, 17 December 2014
Shots Taken From First Day of Filming
Shots used:
These are the shots i used to make up the narrative section of my music video. By trimming, changing the speed and adding transitions, I was able to match up the song to the lip syncing of my artist. To make this process easier and more accurate for me, I played the song during filming to make sure the timing was exactly to the song. I was then able, using the editing software to line up the shots to make one continuous performance sections. These shots are exactly how I want my final to be framed and timed, however, I am going to re-shoot all of these sections again because when looking back at my footage, I noticed that the green screen is seen in some of these shots. This was really disheartening when I came to editing.
These are the shots I decided not to use:
Wednesday, 10 December 2014
Final Cut Pro Techniques
In this post I am going to look at possible techniques I could use in my music video to give me knowledge on the software I will be using to produce my final product. I did use this software during my preliminary stage, giving me basic understanding of the software however I want to explore my options to allow me to be more creative whilst producing my product.
In this tutorial Matthew Pearce, who has a YouTube account and regularly post tutorials, has made a tutorial which goes through the basic steps of working on Final Cut Pro X. Which I can learn from to help me develop the knowledge I already have on the program. I like this tutorial because it goes through every process you will need to know if you are new to the program and have never used the software before. The tutorial also looks briefly at effects and transitions and evaluates the points in where Final Cut Pro separates itself from other softwares. With this tutorial I am going to use this video and knowledge to experiment and explore what I can do on this software.
Tuesday, 2 December 2014
First Shooting Plan
I plan to shoot my first section of my music video on Wednesday 17th December. On this day, I will be filming the performance section of my music video so that I can spend the rest of my time focusing on the narrative section of my music video.
Here is a few shots taken during the filming of artist. I may use some of these for the magazine article and digipak. When I come to retake these shots I may take separate images for my other products:
Saturday, 29 November 2014
Organisation Schedule Dairy
Wednesday, 26 November 2014
Monday, 17 November 2014
Cast List
I have chosen Lucy Bell as the role of my artist because she is very confident at performing in front of the camera. This will work in my advantage as i am trying to highlight that women are confident and dominate the pop culture. This presence will work well with the moral of the music video. I also choose Lucy because she lives and works in Hull which will mean she will be able to get to shooting locations when required. I personally know Lucy well as we are part of the same friends group and I know that she is reliable and wont let me down. Where both fans of Taylor Swift and we regularly keep up to date with her music and posts on Facebook/Twitter, as well as popular chart music. She is also a media student, making her aware of the work we have to do and the research and meaning behind music videos.
Female Lead - Erin Miller
I decided to choose Erin Miller to play the role of my female lead. I decided to choose Erin as she fitted the brief of the character I wanted to play. Erin is also part of the same friends group with Lucy, Me, Nick and ____. This means I know her personally very well and know I can trust her to do a good job at performing this role. She also lives close to the areas where we will be filming, with the exception of Bridlington and Scarborough. This will make it easier to reach the locations where we may need to take extra shots or to retake any shots in case I need to. She is also a fan of Taylor Swift, Erin, me and Lucy have attended one of Taylor's concerts and again follow her activity as well as other popular female artists.
I wanted to find a person who would best suit the character description I have in my head for a friendly supportive male to play the lead. Nick is from Hull also and attends the same college as the other cast members. Due to the locations of where I will be filming and where Nick lives, it will be easy to pick up cast members with them all living close together and make it easier to organise shooting arrangements. Nick also consumes pop artists like John Newman and niche bands like Royal Blood ect. His awareness of the media will benefit my music video as he will be aware of what is asked for when performing.
Antagonistic Character - Joseph Wilson
To play my antagonistic character I wanted someone who would look intimidating and would give a good performance. Therefore I chose Joseph Wilson because I am good friends with him and I knew that he would be able to attend filming days. He also has a licence so he would be accessible to take us the different locations to film. Another reason for me choosing Joe was because he also does media and therefore is aware of conventions of the products I will be producing. He mainly consumes power pop genre like the band Blink 182 and regularly streams music on YouTube and iTunes.
Saturday, 8 November 2014
Health & Safety Grid
Looking at nearest hospitals on the NHS website allows me to identify the closest place to a health service incase any of these injuryies occur or need specialist attention to. As my film will be shot in Bridlington and Scarborough I decided to check the nearest hospitals to that location as I am unfamiliar with the area. As for when I shoot in Hull, If there is any injuries or accidence, I can go to the Hull Royal Infirmary which is on of the largest hospitals in the region. Hopefully by taking percautions while shooting and traveling to the places we visit, they shouldnt be any injuries that occur. However knowing this knowledge will be helpful just incase.
Tuesday, 4 November 2014
Mise-en-scene Ideas
The ideas I have in mind for my characters are shown above. The top right circled images are the ideas I have for the bad guy in my music video. I have chosen the character to wear a leather jacket because stereotypically, those seen wearing a jacket like this are usually rebellious. I also think that people would recognize this character as being the bad guy because of this stereotypical link. I have also looked at band t-shirts like the Rollingstones and ACDC because I think these t-shirts would help the persona of the character and create this realistic rebel character.
For the main characters best friend I have looked at long sleeved shirts and a fluffy hooded bright coat. I think that by wearing a shirt it will create an innocent appearance because it is juxtaposition of what the rebel character will be wearing. Also I looked at fluffy big coats because personally I think it would add to the soft gentle nature of the character that I am trying to create. For this character I want him to be a caring person which I think by having an outfit like this, will help create this.
For the female characters in my music video, I want them both to wear black jeans. I picked out black because I think that for the actor in the narrative, it will create a dull aspect to her outfit which will correspond with her inner feelings. Also I think it will work well with the jacket I plan for her to wear. I have chosen for her to wear a hoody because I think that hoodies are not seen as glamorous, so by wearing one I think it will create a sense that her life isn't as glamorous as other peoples. Again to correspond with the fact her life isn't what it seems. As for the artist I have chosen a cardigan that I in vision her wearing in the music video while lip singing to the song. Under that I plan for her just to wear a plain t-shirt so that it doesn't distract the audience to her shirt than her singing.
I collected these images because I think these are the best images to represent the ideas I have for my characters in my music video. The first set of images are of the hairstyles I like and could use for my artist actor. For my artist I have based the hairstyle on being short and blonde. I think this will go well for my music video because it contrasts the hairstyle of the female in my narrative element of my music video. By having blonde hair this will make her stand out when filming as she will be stood against a black background whilst she performs.
The collection of images to the right are my thoughts for what my main female character could have her hair. I chose the colour brown because I personally think that the colour is quite dark and can make the person appear pail and have a keep it to herself attitude. I think that the hairstyle for my artist should be down, as this would be simple and can be either styled up in some shots or down for the shots when she is being abused.
The middle images are my ideas on what I think the boys in my music videos hairstyle should be like. I have gone for short hair because that way you can see their faces and you can create different styles with it.
Here are some of the images I found and will use to inspire what my artists will wear in my music video. For the female character in the relationship, I am going to keep the make up simple and so that it looks natural on my actor. I think this would look best because if she was to wear heavy make up, it wouldn't look right for the character as she is meant to look like your average public female 18 year old. That way the audience can relate to her. I chose a shot of a woman who looks to have been just crying because in some shots, she will have been crying and I want to achieve a realistic look with the make up. It might be best to ask the actor to cry to create this affect, or just smudge the make-up under her eye a little. I will have my actor wear little eye shadow like the second picture to the top right, this will look natural and make her eyes stand out to the camera to empathise her emotions.
I plan to leave the make-up for the male characters because in this society it is rare to see men with make up on. However, I may have the actor wear a layer of foundation so that their skin is flawless and irresistible to the female audiences.
For the actor singing the song, I looked at some ideas which I think would look really good to use for my music video. Above you can see that I looked at black eyeliner to the right, as I thought this would benifit my artists appearence because with her having blonde hair, the black will stand out as well as link with the black background in the shot. I will have a look at make-up tutorials to get a similar natural affect like in most modern music videos.
I have a couple of idea for lighting in regards for my music video. Some include direct lighting at different angles at my artist during the performance element of my video. By doing this, this would create dramatic affects of the artist and create a dark atmosphere. I plan to use synchronized lighting when taking the photographs for my magazine advertisement and cover, as this be easier to get a natural light or use light to create a dramatic effect to my artist. I can also use a softbox lighting equipment to create a natural light on my artist rather than using a harsher light like a HMI light. However, I may use this lighting to see what affects I can get with it. For the narrative section of my music video, as I will be doing most of my filming outside, the need for lighting won't be needed as much. Never the less, for the filming that will be filmed indoors, I will use lighting and natural lighting from the windows to create spot lights and to create tension in the scenes. For the lighting I will use different techniques to see whats best at that moment when filming.
These images are the main props that I have decided to include in my music video. Some of these props such as the picture frames, door and table will be in the scenes during the narrative performance at the house location. This is because these are what you would expect to see in a real life home. When framing, I will take care in what will be seen in each scene to make sure my music video looks realistic to create the iconography of in the house. There will be frames round the house to create a realistic family home and furniture that will be placed in the dining room to create the iconography. I also plan on having a letter left by the bad guy in the dining room to show the end of there relationship. This is quite significant in the narrative performance as it signifys the end of her suffering, hence the prop will be important for the narrative sequence. Amongst the pictures I have collected, the fan will be important during the shooting of my artist performing because I will use it to create movement in her hair. I have included candy floss with my shots because when the two main actors go to Bridlington, they will buy sweets and stuff to show there friendship and enjoyment while out. I will include other props during each scene to again create realism and iconography.
Make up tutorial
Friday, 31 October 2014
By using my storyboard I can use my shots and music to time when each edit will be in my music video. This has made me realise that i have a few timing issues with some of the shots. There is a few shots that are two short of an edit and others too long. Some shots also don't time right with the lyrics which I think will be a problem when producing my final music video. However, in some areas of the animatic there is a few shots that are timed precisely how I want it.
I think to resolve some of the timing issues, when I come to produce my final music video I need to adjust some of the timing sections of some of the shots.
Thursday, 30 October 2014
Visual Storyboard
This is my visula storyboard of each shot. It includes the mise-en-scene, framing, editing and lyrics for that particular shot. By creating a storyboard, it allows me to see a visual interpretation of what want to create. I can also use it as a guideline as to what I want my final product to look like. My storyboard can be used to help me indecate shots and props that I may need or use.
Wednesday, 29 October 2014
Avertisment Locations

I plan to use Instagram to upload sneak previews of my artist and create my own profile for my artist. I think this will be a good idea to display and broadcast to fans because the sight is really easy to use and it is very interactive towards people you follow. For example, the application is only available on phones so you can be anywhere connected to the interent to upload and respond to feedback on your page. By uploading photos on your account it allows people to see what the artist is doing, and vise versa (seeing what your followers are doing).
After producing my music video and it becoming popular to viewers, my video maybe featured on music channels such as the MTV music channel. This will mean that people will be able to watch and listen to my music video on their own TVs at home. This will be affective because those who mainly watch music channels are teenagers and young adults. From personal experience I often watch music videos on music channels such as MTV Music and Vintage TV because I like the range of music available and popular music in the charts. As my music video is a Pop genre, it would suit this channel as it is dedicated to all new and old pop music.
I am going to share my music video that I upload to YouTube onto Facebook as this will add shares onto Youtube and allow users on Facebook to go onto my YouTube profile, and vise versa. Facebook will be a good idea to advertise my music video because most popular artists such as Beyonce, Katy Perry and Rihanna have Facebook accounts with Beyonce having 66million likes, Katy Perry having 76million likes, Rihanna having 90millian likes. By creating a facebook page for my artist, her name will appear on the Pop genre list along side Beyonce and Katy Perry.
My music video will be advertised also on the social networking site Twitter. Twitter has over 500 million Twitter accounts with over 272 of those that are active accounts. It allows users to share pictures and short 40character messages to one another for free. The site being known as 'the SMS of the internet' in 2013. I will use this site to share my video with other users and hopefully by making my music video more popular I will be able to make it trend worldwide. I will hashtag my music video so that I can start to get the video trending across Twitter and this will allow users around the world to see what is trending in the world. Hopefully the popularity of my video will start to get it onto the category.
Tuesday, 28 October 2014
Friday, 24 October 2014
Locational Shots
Pearson Park Hull
I will shoot sections of my music video at Pearson Park in Hull, because I like the location and parks can be quite romantic to visit with a loved one. Also in some places of the park (like above right) would make a great locational spot to have the good guy and female lead looking at each other while approaching each other. When I first thought of the shot, this location first came into mind. I think this would be a good location because the area is quite big and so you can get multiple long shots of the characters from different angles and perspective. As well as this, during the autumn month, the leaves will be brown and dropping which will create a warm and humble affect rather than in a different time of the year. Looking at where Pearson Park is in my area, from where abouts I live, it would comfortably take at least 20 minutes to get there. That means it will be easy to get last minute shooting and shots after college and at the weekend. If I was to travel from my house to the park, the buses run every hour to the center of town which is quite regular considering the remote area I live in. If it was difficult to get there, I could look at woodland areas and parks in my area.
Hessel Foreshore, Cliff Road Hull
My narrative is based on a woman being abused in a relationship and escaping him by going to see her best friend, who happens to be a male. On some of the adventures they go on, they visit multiple locations and travel to areas to have fun and forget about the physical abuse. One of the locations I want to include in my music video is going to Hessel Foreshore off the river Humber. I have chosen to include this location because at certain times of the year, the sunset can be quite spectacular. Also I would like to shoot some shots looking out to the river as it is also another romantic location in my area. Looking at how I would get to this location, it would take less that 15 minutes to get there, if I took the motorway direction. This would be quicker than going through Cottingham, Hull then Hessel to then go onto clive Sullivan way. If I was to go via bus, if I couldn't get a lift, I would then get the 180 bus which would take me to that route in less that an hour and 10 minutes.
Bridlington, Yorkshire
I think that a few shots in Bridlington of the East coast would look good in my music video. Because it is a popular tourist destination, I think because people would recognize the location it would create an emotional response from the audience. The location is somewhere I have been going to since I was little and I always get a sense of happiness and joy from the seaside would suit my music video as that could reflect how she is feeling with her best friend. The area has been through some redevelopment so looks very modern and has had a well deserved clean up which would look great in my music video. To get to Bridlington, I would have to set of quite early to get to Bridlington so that I would have plenty of time to film in daylight as it takes at least three quarters of an hour to get there. However, if I had no way of getting there via car I would have to get a bus to Hull City Center then get a train to Bridlington, that could take longer than car.
Scarborough, Yorkshire
Another location I plan to shoot my music video in is in Scarborough, Yorkshire, for the sections of my music video which will be where my female lead and friend go into the amusements. I chose this location for multiple reasons because the area is very big and has a lot of entertainment options for tourists to go on, with it being close to the seaside. Also there is a lot of different things to do in Scarborough, I could have multiple shots of my two main characters going in and out of the shops, going on arcade games and walking across the beach. Showing the fun times she can have despite the abusive relationship still going on in the back of her mind. To travel to Scarborough it would take around an hour from where I live but this would depend on the traffic. If I was to get there via public transport, it would take twice as long to get there so by getting there by car would be best for filming.
Newstead Street, Hull
I plan to take a few shots down Newstead Street which is where the house I will film the parts where she is with her abusive boyfriend. These shots will be used near the end of my music video when my female lead chooses her friend and they walk off down the street. This would be the perfect place to shoot this section of the music video, as it is close to another location I will be filming in and the street itself is nearby to where I live. This makes it a convenient place to shoot a small section of my music video. The white front door to the right of the bottom image is the house I will be filming in to shoot the house scenes. From in the street I will film the parts where she enters and her friend shows up to the door from outside which will make up more of my music video. From where I live, it takes around 20 minutes in average traffic to get to this location which isn't far if we need to do additional shots if the ones I've taken aren't as good. If i have to get the bus to Newstead Street I can get the 61 bus into the center of town and then catch an additional bus to Princess Ave or walk from City Center.
House, Hull
For the sections inside a home, I plan to shoot these shots at one of my friends house. When I first thought of my ideas for my music video, these where what I envisioned where my shots would be taken. At these locations I will shoot when the girl is being abused. When filing I will make sure to make the rooms look darker to make the mood more dramatic and a sense of danger. This will then reflect the feelings and emotions of both characters during there arguments. I think the dining room would best suit the scene when the girl finds the note on the table. I think this because I could use the light from the window in the corner to reflect onto the table to empathize her gaze when she goes over to find the note. The rooms a fairly big which will be handy to set up lighting and filming equipment and also move around the house to get the best angles and shots of the characters. Looking at where the house is from where I live, the location is close by and would take at least 20 minutes to get there. That means it will be easy to travel to and from filming spots and it is in commute of the other locations I plan to shoot at. Buses are fairly frequent so if there isn't anyone to take me there, I would be able to catch a bus between 7am-7:30pm which leaves no option to film before or after these times. This wouldn't matter as much because we would be inside anyway.
Thursday, 23 October 2014
Audience Research
Audience Research Survey:
15 people took part in my survey and these are the results for each of the following questions. These will help me to construct and plan my music video as I will want my video to appeal to the general audience of music video consumers.
Wednesday, 22 October 2014
Tuesday, 21 October 2014
Audience Media Profile
Looking at my audience media profile, I need to make my music video available to all different types of social networking sites, like the listed sites given in the media profile. That way it will apeal to a wide variety of audiences and be available at any moment in time. As I have chosen a song which is considered Pop, most audiences will come across the music video online as it is the most popular form of genre and will most likely be trending.
Sunday, 19 October 2014
Lyric Timing
Elongation is used to slow the song down and to make it flow onto the next line of the song. I think this is useful because it gives me an indication of the speed of the edits I will use.
Breaks in the song/pauses, could indicate when an edit might be or a change of scene so that the edit isn't in the middle of the artist singing.
Timing of each line in the song will help me when producing my music video because I will be able to match the clip perfectly to the song.
The red sections of the song are when I want the shot to be focused on the artist singing to the song (the performance of the song). The purple sections of the song is where I want the narrative to take place in the song.
The performance and narrative sections of the song will consist of multiple edits.
To the right I have looked and listened to the lyrics of the song, I have then determined what performance element I want. By listening to the song multiple times, I have chosen whether in the music video it will be a narrative performance or when the artist is singing to the song. This will help me when editing my music video because I can use it as a guideline to when I want it to jump cut to the performance or the narrative. It also helps me to plan out the narrative storyline. The different cuts to the narrative to performance will help me to plan a storyline that will fit and be in time with the song.
Friday, 17 October 2014
Thursday, 16 October 2014
Abusive Relationship Research
For my music video, I wanted to address an issue that can often be overlooked in society and therefore many people don't know enough about the issue. Abuse in a relationship is common with 1.5million high school students nationwide experiencing abuse in a relationship. Most of these students often don't realise they are experiencing abuse or don't know who to turn to for help. Because the music industry is mainly manipulated by the teenage culture, if I was to address this issue through the use of a music video, teens would see the issue I'm trying to address and maybe try to help those who they know might be suffering from abuse. Or even educate young people in who to contact and know that they're not alone and that they don't need to suffer. 33% of those who have been in a abusive relationship have never told anyone about it.
In my music video, I am going to address the issue of an abusive relationship but also show that they are people out there that you can talk to about the issue. That you need to be strong to overcome the physical and mental scarring that can be left from been in an abusive relationship.
At the end of my music video, I want to tell the people who watch my video, that there is help out there and who to get in touch with. Here is a leaflet that informs those who are in an abusive relationship:
Celebrity abuse victim
Rihanna & Chris Brown:
In my music video, I am going to address the issue of an abusive relationship but also show that they are people out there that you can talk to about the issue. That you need to be strong to overcome the physical and mental scarring that can be left from been in an abusive relationship.
At the end of my music video, I want to tell the people who watch my video, that there is help out there and who to get in touch with. Here is a leaflet that informs those who are in an abusive relationship:
Celebrity abuse victim
Rihanna & Chris Brown:
Wednesday, 15 October 2014
Here is a basic treatment of what my music video will be about. I plan to have a narrative structure of which the female lead is in an abusive relationship with a man that doesn't respect her. Therefore she leaves every day to get away from the abuse. Thus seeking help from one of her closest friends. He takes her to various locations to help her forget about her troubles at home. However, she returns home to find her abusive boyfriend there, taking his anger out on her because she leaves him every day. After a night of abuse, she wakes up to find a note that explains that her boyfriend has left her. Excited she rings up her friend that supports her and they leave the music video walking down the street. The reason for me choosing this story line because I wanted to show woman who go through abuse that there is always someone there to help and support you through the difficult times and that the pain and suffering will come to an end. Whether this is through seeking professional support or through those closest to you.
3 Initial Ideas
I think this idea would be good to develop because the song is quite fun and energetic which I could incorporate into my music video. Because there is a lot of characters I think that the fun and entertainment between them all could be captured well on camera. Like the We are kings - Say you like me, you could incorporate the text writing introducing the characters into the music video I would create. I think that would make it look interesting and would be a good technique to use. If I was to develop this idea further I could include multiple costume changes and effects to the music video, this would make it appealing to young adults as this would be a suitable target audience for this idea. I could also look at making the editing suit the song and be make the shots twist and turn to be fun and interesting to watch.
If I was to develop this idea I think that the filming would be quite fun and inventive to do. Because of the locations and the possibility of going to a night club I thinking that I could get good aerial shots of the main character panicking in the situation. I like the concept of the narrative, girl tries to fit in, friends make her wear reveling clothes and take her places she doesn't want to go, after a hard day she sits on the sofa in her comfy clothes where she can be her self and then her favorite band drag her through the TV where she watches them perform. I think that the target audience would find this idea quiet relateable, especially if there in this sort of friendship group, trying to fit into the crowd. Also I think the idea of her being dragged through a TV would be quite cool and fun to this specific audience.
Looking at my three ideas, I believe that these are great starting points for my music video as the idea is quite direct and can allow for changes and adding ideas. All my ideas are situations that a young adult might experience. As this audience tend to consume pop genre the most. Out of the three ideas I think I will develop the 2nd idea instead of the other two narrative ideas. I want to do the second idea because I think that the narrative is stronger than the other two. I also think that it would appeal to young teenagers because it could be a relatable subject area and something that generation are aware of.
Saturday, 11 October 2014
Pop Artists
When researching the pop genre artists that dominate the media at this moment in time, these images appeared in google images. With also the additional research into the pop genre artist list. Looking at these images, you can see that women dominate the pop genre majority and I think there is a number of reasons because of this.
In the early 19th century, post war, woman's role in society was portrayed as been the 'weaker' sex. This meant that they were there to be pretty and to make sure all the chores were done and food was cooked. At that time, they also had what was called the sphere of domesticity. Women were supposed to stay in the domestic, another term for their house, while men were suppose to go off to work. This changed after the first World War as women where dragged into the working society to take over the jobs while the men went off to fight. Soon many women took advantage of those jobs and made money for themselves. These jobs were otherwise known as ‘Women’s Work’. Women’s impact is simply due to the fact they are now educating themselves which has made a considerable progress. The rapid development has helped women gain good education. It also helps that they are now concerned with the improvement of their own position. From there women are now seen in political parties, education and most recently, women are now allowed to become bishops.Women have come along way since then, dominating the music industry.
Popular Music Videos Featuring Women
Taylor Swift
From my research and own interest in the artist Taylor Swift, I find that her music videos are very popular due to the audience she targets her music at. After watching the music videos, I find that I can relate to the situations that she in counters and addresses in her music video. For example in 'We Are Never Getting Back Together' and 'You Belong With Me', her music video looks at love and breaks up. At the time the music videos where released, I personally watched these music videos numerous times as I liked the idea of falling in love and making my own decisions. Her music is mainly aimed at teenagers, whom dominate social media and control the music industry. This due to streaming and downloading music. Because this technology is so easily available to teens, it makes it accessible for teens to access the music sites like Youtube. Due to her music videos been Pop genre and a wide audience group, her music can be accessed world wide due to web 2.0. Therefore receiving over 200 million views, for her most popular songs.
However, her new music videos has seen the pop star change her outlook on love and finding the right man, to embracing the rumors of her relationship life and 'Taylor Haters'. Creating music videos based on telling her fans that she isn't afraid of what people say. Taylor Swift has recently hit the charts with her new music video 'Blank Spaces'. 'After Taylor Swift poked fun of herself as the uncool kid with zero dance moves in the "Shake It Off" music video, the clip for new single "Blank Space" once again centers on self-parody -- this time, Swift is sending up her dating history by embracing the rumors that she's the craziest of girlfriends. "Got a long list of ex-lovers/They'll tell you I'm insane," Swift sings in the video, before proving the gossip to be correct.' - Quotation form Billboard. Taylor has changed from been a country girl to pop girl and her success has been down to the dedicated Swifty fans, standing by her and supporting her career. Having 73 million likes on Facebook, 51.5million followers on Twitter and 11 million subscribers on Youtube.
Katy Perry
I decided to research the artist Katy Perry because she has over 4 million views on each of her most successful music videos as well as becoming one of the most well known female pop artist. Katy Perry started her career signed to Capitol in 2007 after three previous record deals fell apart. Later that year, Perry released her first single, "Ur So Gay." Pop superstar Madonna became a fan of the song, calling it one of her favorites of the moment. The song drew comparisons to the likes of Lily Allen, another singer known for her quirky, cheeky lyrics. Perry said the single was inspired by the emo scene, and the "guys with guy-liner who use flatirons." Still, her career did not fully take off until the release of her next single, "I Kissed a Girl," which reached the top of the charts during the summer of 2008. With that song's success, her debut album, One of the Boys, made it into the Top 10 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. The song also earned Perry a Grammy Award nomination for Best Female Pop Vocal Performance. Her latest album was released in October 18th 2013 and within 11 weeks it had sold 1,020,000 copies according to a report on January the 10th 2014 by Billboard.
The table above shows the Prism albums success in various different charts in the world. As you can see the album reached to the top of the charts thus demonstrating her global success.
Looking at Beyonce's career she has had enoumous music success starting her career in a band know as Desiny's Child. She then became a solo artists and has has since then produced 5 albums; Dangerously in Love (2003), B'Day (2006), I Am... Sasha Fierce (2008), 4 (2011) and Beyoncé (2013). Her net worth is around $440 million. Her recent album was the first ever album to have a music video for each track due to the popularity of her music and demand to for producers to be attached to her album. The track 'Single Ladies' was released shortly after her marrage to Jay-z which boasted her career. Not only was the song empowering for women but the routine also proved popular for listeners. She is well known for been openly feminest which is seen through her music and music videos. 'Run the World (Girls)' was released in 2012 which appealed to the majority of women. The artists is a global well know artists and her music is played in all continents.
Beyonce creates songs that are often characterized by themes of love, relationships, and monogamy, as well as female sexuality and empowerment. On stage, her dynamic, highly choreographed performances have led to critics hailing her as one of the best entertainers in contemporary popular music. Throughout a career spanning 18 years, she has sold over 75 million records as a solo artist, and a further 60 million with Destiny's Child, making her one of the best-selling music artists of all time.In 2015, music streaming service Spotify named her as the third most streamed female artist of all time on their platform. She has won 20 Grammy Awards and is the most nominated woman in the award's history. The Recording Industry Association of America recognized her as the Top Certified Artist in America during the 2000s decade.
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